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Mutational Assessment of newly diagnosed breast cancer using Germline and tumour genomICs


Recruiting at: Royal Melbourne Hospital, Royal Women's Hospital and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre 

Primary Investigator: Professor Bruce Mann

The MAGIC study is recruiting patients seen at the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (VCCC) who have recently received a diagnosis of early breast cancer. The study aims to determine the clinical benefit of universal germline testing of all patients with an early breast cancer opposed to the current guidelines which allows for testing only in those with known risk factors such as a strong family history.


The study offers testing of germline DNA (the DNA that is inherited from parents) to look for mutations (small errors in the DNA) that increase breast cancer risk. This information can help guide clinicians on the best way to treat and manage the breast cancer. The results from this study directly feed back into patients' clinical management.


A further aspect of the study is to explore the genetic code of the tumour itself (somatic DNA testing) which is hoped to help scientists better understand the biology and behaviour of the tumour, and direct the design of improved and more targeted treatments for breast cancer in the future.  

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